National demographic indicators seriesAustralia

The National Demographic Indicators Series is a set of key social and demographic measures for every Local Government Area (LGA) in Australia. The series is drawn predominantly from the latest 2021 Census data, and Estimated Resident Population which is updated annually.

The indicators provide a snapshot of each LGA at the 2021 Census and how it compares to other LGAs. The measures have been selected to cover a broad range of socio-demographics and there is no assumption that a high or low score is “better” or “worse” on any given measure.

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National demographic indicators for local government areas, 2021
Australian Capital Territory Population Work & Education Households & Dwellings
Rank Local Govt. Area Estimated Resident Population 2023 Under 5 years Over 65 years Median age Language other than English Indigenous Changed address in last 5 years Worked at home Attending university University qualification Median household income Average household size Households renting Medium and high density SEIFA index of dis-advantage
# % % # % % % % % % $ # % % #
1 Unincorporated ACT 466,566 5.9 13.7 35 24.6 2.0 46.1 10.9 8.0 43.0 2,311 2.50 30.0 38.7 1071
2 Total State 466,566 5.9 13.7 35 24.6 2.0 46.1 10.9 8.0 42.9 2,311 2.50 30.0 38.7 1071

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Regional Population Growth, Australia (3218.0) .
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2021.

More detailed data notes are available in the data notes section.